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Solar Fire Meditations

Why Meditate?


  • To learn to relax: physically, emotionally and mentally

  • To enjoy better health

  • To become calmer and stronger and more able to cope with stress

  • To become more focused and effective in daily life

  • To express one's higher qualities

  • To become aware of the Inner Self and open to spiritual energies

  • To be of service


"The technique of meditation governs all expansions of consciousness... By means of meditation we find freedom from the delusion of the senses and their vibratory lure; and find our own positive centre of energy and become consciously able to use it; becoming therefore aware of the real Self... and aware of essential unity." The Tibetan.




Meditation Retreats 2024

All are welcome! Each person comes to the retreats with different skills and experience in meditation. Beginners and advanced meditators will find it valuable.

If you plan to attend any of the meditation retreats or talks, please check with Julia for possible late changes in the meditation schedules by phoning 021 173 6813 or emailing With thanks.

The retreats are held preceding or on the four Spiritual Festivals of the year:

The remainder of the solar fire festivals will be held in response to requests on the following dates: 










​​​Each retreat consists of:

  • two sitting meditations

  • walking and contemplations in nature

  • talks on the monthly theme and meditation


Those wishing to participate are welcome to book in advance and send their birth details so a natal chart can be made for discussion at the retreat. For example, if you were born in Aquarius, how does your birth chart relate to the full moon chart and energies for Aquarius?

Time: 9.30 am to 4.00 pm


Where: Southern Lights Centre, 433 Long Bay Road, Akaroa


Suggested Koha: $50


Please bring: lunch to share, personal items, paper and pen










Retreat Day

Sun 21 January

Sun 18 February

Sun 16 June

Sun 21 July

Sun 15 September

Sun 13 October

Sun 10 November

Sun 15 December






Retreat Day

Sun 24 March

Sun 21 April

Sun 19 May

Sun 18 August

Full Moon Meditations 2024


We meditate at the time of the full moon not because of the moon but because of the sun. At this time the moon is out of the way and there is an increased amount of energy and light flowing from the sun.


The full moon meditations have an astrological focus as each of the zodiacal signs represents a certain principle. One is able to gain a clearer understanding of the energies of the month and work with them more effectively.

Meditating at the time of the full moon is a time for focusing positively on events occurring in the community, locally or globally.


Please join us, all are welcome!
















Date (Full Moon)

26 January

25 February

25 March

24 April

24 May

22 June

21 July

20 August

18 September

18 October

16 November

15 December

31 December

Time (Exact)

6.53 am

1.31 am

8.00 pm (+eclipse)

11.48 am

1.53 am

1.08 pm

10.16 pm

6.26 am

2.34 pm (+eclipse)

12.25 am (+eclipse)

10.28 am

10.01 pm

11.26 am

Public Talk & Meditation

25 January

24 February

25 March

23 April

23 May

21 June

21 July

19 August

17 September

17 October

15 November

15 December


Other information:

Where: All full moon meditations are held in the Temple, 433 Long Bay Rd

Time: 4.00 pm

Contact: 021 1736 813

Meditation Retreats & Other Events



Where: Southern Lights Centre, 433 Long Bay Road, Akaroa

Suggested Koha: $50

Please bring: lunch to share,

personal items, paper and pen


For further information please contact Southern Lights Centre on 021 1736 813




Solar Fire Temple Meditations


For about 3 minutes around the exact time of the Full Moon in each sign there is an increase in energy and by meditating at this time one can tune in and be impressed by the energies of the month.  These are held in the temple, Long Bay Road, Akaroa on the following dates:  All are welcome, please join us.


Download our Solar Fire Meditations 2024 brochure

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