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"Are we as humanity building our inner “lighted house” of consciousness?"


The spiritual keynote for Cancer is “I build a lighted house and therein dwell”


Read Julia's article on this month's zodiacal sign and the significance of light

 Download Lighted House by Julia Tarnawsky  (PDF 333KB)

Daily Hire


Teaching building and Temple:

$10 per person per day (morning and afternoon) for each person using these facilities plus GST.

$15 per person per full day (morning, afternoon and evening) for each person using these facilities plus GST.


"Let your light so shine in Leo. I am a light within a greater light. I am That and That am I"


The spiritual keynote for Leo is

“I am That, and That am I”


Read Julia's Thoughts on Leo article, this month's zodiacal sign

 Download Thoughts on Leo by Julia Tarnawsky  (PDF 273KB)

Spiritual Realities

Spiritual Realities is an 8 month residential course which aims to re-discover your inner Self in preparation for a life of service to humanity.


You can find out more information on our Spiritual Realities page

Download our Spiritual Realities course brochure (PDF 699KB)

Meditation Classes

"Introduction to Meditation"


​No experience necessary


Dates for 2017 Summer/Autumn

February 19

March 5 & 19

April 2, 16 & 30

$10 per class or $50 per term

For further information and contact details please download the 'Introduction to Meditation Brochure' (PDF 626 KB)

New for 2017

The Southern Lights Centre offers




What is the soul's history and “anatomy”?

What is the soul’s purpose and function and the soul in your astrological chart?

What is your ray profile and soul ray qualities?


Find out during an 8-day residential program that aims to:

  • equip students with tools for daily spiritual practice,

  • assist in setting soul-centred goals for the life and service to humanity, and

  • provide experience of the group mind at work


Starting 3rd to 11th January 2017 at Southern Lights, Akaroa

Registration closes 20th December 2016

For further details, including how to register, please download our Enhancing Soul Presence for Service programme brochure (PDF 281KB)

July - Astrology Talk

"Generational Astrology –
Compass and Anchor?

Julia Tarnawsky


What might Millennials or Gen Y's have in common, when the slow-moving outer planets in their natal charts are in the same sign of the Zodiac?


Thursday 6th July 2017, 7:30 pm

For venue and more information please download the Generational Astrology flyer

World Servers Festival Week

21st to 28th December 2019

Every seven years from December 21-28 there is a powerful influx of spiritual energy that pours into the planet. We can respond individually and/or compound our experience of receiving this impact by gathering together in groups - either on the physical plane or through the power of thought. December 2019 is the beginning of a new seven year cycle. It is known as the World Servers Festival Week, or the Festival of Group Impact.

A wide network of groups will be organising events. Please see the Festival Week Bulletin Board for an up-to-date schedule of events and the  Festival Week website (by Lucis Trust) for more information. 

New for 2017

Please note: this workshop is now closed for registrations. Please do contact the Centre for further workshops/dates.



What is the soul's history and “anatomy”?

What is the soul’s purpose and function and the soul in your astrological chart?

What is your ray profile and soul ray qualities?


Find out during an 8-day residential program that aims to:

  • equip students with tools for daily spiritual practice,

  • assist in setting soul-centred goals for the life and service to humanity, and

  • provide experience of the group mind at work


Starting 3rd to 11th January 2017 at Southern Lights, Akaroa

Registration is now closed

For further details, including how to register, please download our Enhancing Soul Presence for Service programme brochure (PDF 281KB)

The Southern Lights Centre is open 365 per year, the Temple is always open for as long as you need.


Once a month we hold a meditation retreat on a Sunday, please visit our Meditation Retreats page to view dates for 2020 or call us to find out more

New Workshop 2020


"Our Relationship with the Subtle World"


28th November


See our Spiritual Courses for more details 


The Southern Lights Centre is open 365 per year, the Temple is always open for as long as you need.


Once a month we hold a meditation retreat on a Sunday, please visit our Meditation Retreats page to view dates for 2020 or call us to find out more

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433 Long Bay Road | Akaroa, New Zealand

  © Southern Lights Centre 2013

Please note all prices on this website are GST exclusive, i.e. GST is additional

Directions from Christchurch:

  1. After Little River, wind uphill to the Hilltop Hotel

  2. Go past Hilltop Hotel and wind down to the Harbour

  3. Continue straight on, through Duvauchelle, Robinsons Bay and Takamatua

  4. At the top of a short rise after Takamatua there is a triple intersection

  5. The right hand road continues to Akaroa, the middle road is Old Coach Road. Take the LEFT HAND road which turns sharply back towards Christchurch. You will see the sign LONG BAY ROAD TO EASTERN BAYS.

  6. Turn into Long Bay Road. Travel about 5 minutes and pass an A-frame house close to the road, on the left.

  7. Just past the A-frame house, down the slope, on the left, is the SOUTHERN LIGHTS CENTRE sign plus a letter box 433. Turn down this dirt track to the bottom of the slope and the large lawn car park



Southern Lights Charitable Trust relies on donations to be able to carry out its services and work. Any donations are sincerely appreciated and received with much gratitude.

If you would like to donate please email us at

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